Reporting Violations
Please use this form if you need to report any content you believe to be illegal or goes against our company’s standards. All reported complaints are reviewed and resolved within seven (7) business days. You can use the following form or send an email:
Review and Resolution Process
All reported complaints are reviewed and resolved within seven (7) business days. Our dedicated team will start the review process by:
- Examining the reported contents.
- Evaluating it accordingly with our Terms of use policy
- Consulting with revelant parties, if necessary
- Making a decision about the matter
- Notifying about the decision
Appeals Process
If you disagree with the outcome of the review, you may appeal by emailng us at: Our dedicated team will re-examine the content and the initial decision. We will then provide a final decision within seven business days of the appeal.
Outcomes of Investigations / Reviews
The potential outcomes of our investigations or reviews can range from no action, if the content is determined to meet our Standards, to content removal and account termination in serious violations. Please note that legal action may be pursued for violations that involve illegal activities.
We assure all users that each complaint is taken seriously and thoroughly reviewed to ensure fairness and compliance with our Standards.